Friday, June 14, 2013

Remakes or Rehash What's the Difference?

One repeating element that is becoming more common within the movie industry is the overwhelming abundance of remakes. Why can a story line just continue or be left alone all together. I believe that the younger movie going generations need to be aware of the classics. The classics not only gives us a terrifying view of horror movies (one genre example) but also how they looked and felt "back in the day". Dark locations and creepy music that was designed just for that specific film accompanied by hormonal driven teenagers meeting their demise. There was plenty of gross and bloody moments that would give you a good nightmare :)

I have seen many of the "remakes" or "rehashes" over the past few years and they just lack the scare factors that the originals had. The originals had the creepy factor plus the scareability (Not sure if this is a real word but oh well). When movie studios want to "remake" a current film, such as Spider-Man, it is called a reboot and the viewer is taken back once again to the origins of the character or movie. They just take what was originally done, chop it up a little, add new faces, change the story just a little and BA-DA BING! A reboot is born. 
Will all of this prevent or stop people from watching movies.. no and I don't want it to either. My entire point is simply this... do not forget the classics. Take the time to watch the originals prior to watching the remakes. Determine which one you like best. I am only writing this from one perspective. Please respond or discuss and I hope everyone enjoyed reading.