Wednesday, July 17, 2013

At What Cost...?

With the increase in popularity of comic book based movies there have been a lot of speculation on the cost of movies. Many movie-goer's feel the current cost of movies is too high. What is the cause of this you ask? Well, lets examine...

1. The increase in movie cost: The cost it takes to make a movie has become unrealistic. Budgets are designed to keep a movie affordable but directors and movie makers are going above and beyond this to make a movie. Production costs begin to affect our wallets and purses.

2. Actors costs to star in a film: Actors are continuously increasing their cost to star in a film. When a film becomes popular, the actors raise their rates to star in the next flick.

The reason I am bringing this up is because of how it impacts you, the consumer. There is speculation in Hollywood that they will begin changing the admission fees based on the budget of a film. The more it costs to make, the more it will cost for admission. This is an idea that should not be supported by any person across the world because it will not be just limited to the United States. We as consumers could see ticket prices reach as much as $15-$20 per person. This is unacceptable and unaffordable for the mass majority. Will people still go watch a fourth or fifth Iron Man at these prices if it happens.... probably so. Is there anything wrong with that? Absolutely! This will only fuel the continuous and outrageous dipping into our already exhausted pockets. The sad part is many directors are behind this move because it holds the probability to a limitless production budget if the trial run proves successful.

Here are a couple of links to look at if you don't think this is a real possability:

I want my readers to weigh in on this subject. Please keep the comments clean and respectful because of who might be reading. I do not want any person or groups to be offended by the comments of others.