Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Common Bond

You are probably thinking about now "is this guy going to do nothing but talk about movies?" The answer is No. I am going to start various other blogs about random topics. Another topic is one that I have ventured into while studying for my B.S. in Psychology, but that is for another day. On we go... I enjoy movies and I enjoy reading. It is a common misconception that if you like to watch movies or television then you must be fat, lazy and hate reading. One of the things I love about going to the movies is the fact for those two hours there is nothing to worry about. Everything that has been on my mind is gone. It is the same for everyone else across the globe. A movie is a common bond that almost everyone shares. Regardless of where it was made or who stars in the film, it holds the power to bring everyone together in a form of unity. There is no more hate for another race, culture or gender because everyone is there for the same reason.. an escape. Everyone's petty differences are placed to the side for a short time to enjoy what is happening on the big screen. I go watch movies because it puts me in a place different from the one I am in, or a world of fantasy. It acts as a form of "down time" for myself and others with busy schedules. My wife and I are so busy with two children we treat the movies like a fine dining experience because we rarely get to go alone.

This entry was short and my apologies in advance for anything misspelled. It is still early and I am very tired. Just wanted to jot down some ideas before I forgot them. Please leave comments if you would like but make them clean. You never know what age a person is who may be reading this and I do not want anything vulgar.

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