Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Random Comparison

I am an avid watcher of comic book movies because I am a nerd. The biggest comparison among the different comic book/super hero genres are the story lines. In my opinion, Marvel has found their groove for making movies. Each movie focuses around specific characters and the story leads, or ties, into the next movie. Even if the characters make a cameo appearance the movie studio and directors make sure to use the same actors from the previous films. This makes for a solid story that makes sense to the viewers. Nobody wants to see Robert Downey Jr. play Iron Man in the main movies but replaced during a cameo of Thor or Avengers. It would not feel right. As strange as this may sound, viewers develop a connection between the actors and the characters they play. When those get replaced or recast the viewers respond, usually with negativity.

DC movies are a little different. They feel the need to recast the hero for each film which makes it feel... off in some aspects. They are planning a Justice League movie but talking about replacing Christian Bale as Batman, but considering the story arch's from the Dark Knight trilogy, Batman retired. The makes no sense because are Wonder Woman and the others just supposed to "show up" during the JL movie without any explanation where they came from?

I think movies today need to focus more on the quality of the writing rather than the next big star. Keep in mind while reading this, these are my opinions. Please keep any comments clean because you never know who will be reading the posts and I do not want any thing offensive to others posted. This has been on my mind for a while and just want to express some ideas on this.

I hope you enjoy reading and all is well!

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