Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Call for Independence (In films)

One thing that I have noticed over the past few years was the increase of fan made films. These have been referred to as independent films or fan-boy films. Let me explain... these films are made by individuals who love a specific genre or franchise to the point of creating new ideas and putting them in a short film. Their films are backed by pure passion and not fueled by the box office ratings of Hollywood. Personally, I think these are wonderful. They are usually well thought out scripts with stories that fit into the world of the movie, such as Star Trek, Star Wars, and even Ghostbusters. The individuals who write the scripts for these short films have spent many hours, days and even years in a fantasy world of his or her choosing. This is where the creative ideas come from. Fan made films, in my opinion, hold more truth to genres than the bigger name movies that hit the big screen.

It is for these reasons I tip my hat, so to speak, to the individuals who take the time to put their knowledge, passion, and time into making a decent short fan-film. If you want to find and watch some of these fan-films they are easy to find anywhere on the Internet by performing a simple search. 

Hope you enjoyed reading!

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